
HVAC Refrigerant and SEER Changes in 2023

HVAC Refrigerant and SEER Changes in 2023

July 11, 2022

Are you shopping for a new heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system in Hattiesburg, MS, or the surrounding area?

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Blowing How Air?

Why Is My Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air?

June 10, 2022

When the temperature is high in Mississippi, the last thing you need is morehot air. But on occasion, your air conditioner (AC) malfunctions and can turn your home into a stuffy inferno. 

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worker insulating vent

Heat Gain Prevention Tips

May 10, 2022

Our team at Bowman Heating & Air Conditioning wants to help you prevent heat from building up inside your home as much as possible so that your air conditioner can be more effective and efficient. Here are some tips to consider.

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pollen on tree limb

AC and Allergies

April 11, 2022

Looking for additional methods to stop allergens from inhabiting your home? Bowman Heating & Air Conditioning has a team of home comfort experts ready to find the perfect solution for your lifestyle.

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small dehumidifier on floor

Why You Need Whole-House Humidity Control

March 7, 2022

When indoor plumbing became popular in the 1940s, a whole new level of comfort and convenience began for homeowners. However, with that convenience came new challenges.

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Short Cycling

What Is Short Cycling?

February 17, 2022

Short cycling is a term used in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) world to explain a situation where a furnace or air conditioner turns on and off too frequently. The “short cycle” is the period of time that your HVAC equipment is actually running, and the shorter this cycle, the harder your system needs to work. Our team at Bowman Heating and Air wants you to understand the concept of short cycling, why it can be harmful and costly, what causes the problem, and what you can do about it.

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Why Is My Heat Pump Freezing Up?

Why Is My Heat Pump Freezing Up?

January 12, 2022

Our team at Bowman Heating & Air Conditioning regularly gets calls about frozen heat pumps. Though common, a heat pump freeze-up usually means your system’s components are not working correctly.

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How Can I Save Money on My Heating Bill This Winter?

How Can I Save Money on My Heating Bill This Winter?

December 13, 2021

Is your energy bill too high in the winter? Are you looking for ways to cut costs? There are a number of simple things you can do at home to save money. Some of them are bigger projects, but most are simple things you can do in your day-to-day life to help reduce your heat cost this winter.

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tech holding AC tool

Is HVAC Preventative Maintenance Worth It?

December 13, 2021

Want to know the best way to stop problems with your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system before they start? Create a preventative maintenance plan.

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Hand wiping dust off table

How to Reduce Dust in Your Home

November 19, 2021

At Bowman Heating & Air Conditioning, we know how important clean indoor air quality is for your home. Our team specializes in offering whole-house solutions to keep you and your loved ones healthy, comfortable, and safe throughout the year.

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Contact the experts at Bowman Heating and Air.

Call us at 601-582-2336!